王传奎 教授


电子邮箱: ckwang@sdnu.edu.cn     办公地点: 山东师范大学长清校区文昌楼601

王传奎男,汉族,山东牟平人,19636月生,中共党员,泰山学者特聘教授,博士生导师。现任山东师范大学党委常委、副校长。19847月毕业于曲阜师范大学物理系19907月在北京师范大学物理系获得理学硕士学位,19979月在瑞典林雪平大学物理与测量技术系获理学博士学位。在学术团体中现任中国物理学会原子与分子物理专业委员会委员、中国计算物理学会计算原子与分子物理专业委员会副主任委员中国材料研究学会理事、计算物理学会第七届理事会常务理事、山东省物理学会副秘书长等职务。曾先后荣获教育部高等学校骨干教师,山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家,山东省高校十大优秀教师,山东省教学名师,山东省首届优秀研究生指导教师山东省富民兴鲁劳动奖章、山东省留学回国人员创业奖等荣誉,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。主要分子光子学、分子电子学、低维纳米体系、非经典光场等领域从事科学研究工作。着重发展和完善第一性原理等方法,解决在前沿技术发展中的物理问题。先后主持国家和省部级科研项目10余项、国际合作项目2项,在Phys. Rev. APhys. Rev. BAppl. Phys. Lett.ACS NanoJ. Chem. Phys.Org. Electron.、J. Phys. Chem. CJ. Phys. B等国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文260余篇作为第一完成人曾获山东省自然科学二等奖。指导培养博士生27名,硕士生54名,指导学生多次获山东省优秀博士学位论文和优秀硕士学位论文








1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,石墨烯基分子逻辑门器件理论设计及机理和可靠性研究,63万元,2019.01-2022.12

2、 国家自然科学基金重点项目,分子电子学理论计算方法的发展与高性能分子器件的理论设计,136万元,2020.01-2024.12

3、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,单分子结的界面结构表征和其电输运及调控研究,76万元,2014.01-2017.12

4、 国家973分课题,基于强场超快激光的精密测量与精密光谱学中的前沿科学问题,40万元,2011.01-2015.12

5、 山东省自然科学基金重点项目,基于分子间耦合作用的分子器件结构表征与电子输运性质研究,10万元,2010.11-2013.11

6、 国家自然科学基金项目,强双光子吸收分子材料的非线性光学参量与过程的动力学表征,30万元,2010.01-2012.12

7、 山东省自然科学基金重点项目,共轭功能分子体系的光电性质研究与设计,8万元,2008.01-200912

8、 国家自然科学基金项目,非弹性散射对分子器件电输运性质的影响:分子振动效应,26万元,2007.01-2009.12

9、 国家973分课题,超强超短激光与重要形态物质的高度非线性与相对论性相互作用,50万元,2007.01-2011.12

10、 山东省自然科学基金,强双光子吸收有机分子材料的设计及性质研究,5万元,2005.01-2006.12

11、 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,有机分子材料强双光子吸收的振动和氢键效应研究,6万元,2005.01-2006.12

12、 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,有机分子器件的设计及性质研究,8万元,2004.01-2005.12

13、 国家自然科学基金项目,分子电输运性质的理论和实验研究,30万元2003.01-2005.12

14、 山东省中青年学术骨干,分子器件伏-安特性的第一性原理研究,8万元2001.01-2003.12

15、 山东省自然科学基金项目,量子细胞链的电子结构和动力学性质,5万元2000.1-2002.12

16、 山东省科委项目,半导体量子器件的电子结构和电子输运性质,15万元2000.01-2002.12




1. Shuai Qiu, Yuan-Yuan Miao, Guang-Ping Zhang, Jun-Feng Ren, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Gui-Chao Hu*, Manipulating Current Spin Polarization in Magnetic Single-Molecule Junctions via Destructive Quantum Interference, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020), 12144-12152.

2. Mi-Mi Dong, Guang-Ping Zhang, Zi-Qun Wang, Zong-Liang Li, Ming-Lang Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Xiao-Xiao Fu*, Pervasive Ohmic contacts of monolayer 4-hT2 graphdiyne transistors, Nanotechnology, 31 (2020), 225705.

3. Z. Q. Wang, F. Tang, M. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, J. C. Leng, C. K. Wang*, G. P. Zhang*, Modulation of spin thermoelectric properties in transition metal porphyrin single-molecule spin caloritronic devices by Fano resonance, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 121 (2020), 114129.

4. Z. Q. Wang, F. Tang, M. M. Dong, M. L. Wang, G. C. Hu, J. C. Leng, C. K. Wang*, G. P. Zhang*, Theoretical design of single-molecule NOR and XNOR logic gates by using transition metal dibenzotetraaza[14]annulenes, Chinese Physics B, 29 (2020), 067202.

5. Yong Zhou, Xiao-fei Wang, Chao-hua Tan*, Chuan-kui Wang*, Effect of a Hydrogen Bond on Molecular Probing Properties in the Solvent, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(3) (2020), 520-528.

6. Yong Zhou, Juan Lin, Xue-Ying Nie, Xiu-Neng Song, Yong Ma, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Theoretical identification of buckyonion fullerene C20@C60 isomers by XPS and NEXAFS spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 229 (2020), 117904.

7. Guanyu Jiang, Feiyan Li, Jianzhong Fan, Yuzhi Song, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Theoretical Perspective for Luminescent Mechanism of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitter with Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 (2020), 98-108.

8. Guanyu Jiang, Feiyan Li, Xiangpeng Kong, Jianzhong Fan, Yuzhi Song, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Suppression of Aggregation Caused Quenching in U-shaped Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Molecules: Tert-Butyl Effect, Journal of Luminescence, 219 (2020), 116899.

9. Yuchen Zhang, Yuying Ma, Kai Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Jianzhong Fan*, Insights on Aggregation Induced Room Temperature Phosphorescence Properties: A QM/MM Study, Journal of Luminescence, 221 (2020), 117046.

10. Feiyan Li, Guanyu Jiang, Muzhen Li, Jianzhong Fan, Yuzhi Song, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters with Dual Conformations for White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Mechanism and Molecular Design, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22 (2020), 1313-1323.

11. Jianzhong Fan, Yuchen Zhang, Yuying Ma, Yuzhi Song, Lili Lin, Yuanyuan Xu*, Chuan-Kui Wang*, The Role of Intermolecular Interactions in Regulating the Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and Charge Transfer Properties: A Theoretical Perspective, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 (2020), 8601-8612.

12. Yuchen Zhang, Yuying Ma, Kai Zhang, Yuzhi Song, Lili Lin, Chuan-Kui Wang* Jianzhong Fan*, Solid-State Effect on Luminescent Properties of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Molecule with Aggregation Induced Emission: A Theoretical Perspective, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 241 (2020), 118634.

13. Xiaotong Zhang, Yurong Shi, Lei Cai, Yong Zhou, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Solvent effect on the photophysical properties of thermally activated delayed fluorescence molecules, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 225 (2020), 117473.

14. Ming-Zhi Wei,  Xiao-Xiao Fu,  Zi-Qun Wang,  Gui-Chao Hu,  Zong-Liang Li,  Chuan-Kui Wang*, Guang-Ping Zhang*, Bias and molecular-length dependent odd-even effect of rectification in 4′-methyl-2,2′-bipyridyl-terminated n-alkanethiolate single-molecule diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7(29) (2019), 9000-9007.

15. Zi-Qun Wang, Yongfang Li, Xiao Niu, Ming-Zhi Wei, Mi-Mi Dong, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Dunyou Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Guang-Ping Zhang*, Controlling the conductance of single-molecule junctions with high spin filtering efficiency by intramolecular proton transfer, Organic Electronics, 64 (2019), 7-14.

16. Shuai Qiu, Yuan-Yuan Miao, Guang-Ping Zhang, Jun-Feng Ren, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Gui-Chao Hu*, Modulating hybrid interface states in magnetic molecular junctions by molecular geometrical torsion, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 489 (2019), 165465. 

17. Guang-Ping Zhang*, Yan-Qi Mu, Jin-Ming Zhao, Hui Huang, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Optimizing the conductance switching performance in photoswitchable dimethyldihydropyrene/cyclophanediene single-molecule junctions, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 109 (2019), 1-5.

18. Zong-Liang Li*, Feng Sun, Jun-Jie Bi, Ran Liu, Yu-Qing Suo, Huan-Yan Fu, Guang-Ping Zhang, Yu-Zhi Song, Dunyou Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Doping-Induced Negative Differential Conductance Enhancement in Single-Molecule Junction, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 106 (2019), 270-276.

19. Jianzhong Fan, Yuchen Zhang, Kai Zhang, Jie Liu, Guanyu Jiang, Feiyan Li, Lili Lin*, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Towards Boosting the Exciton Lifetime and Efficiency of near-Infrared Aggregation Induced Emitters with Hybridized Local and Charge Transfer Excited States: A Multiscale Study, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7(29) (2019), 8874-8887.

20. Kai Zhang, Jie Liu, Yuchen Zhang, Jianzhong Fan, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Theoretical Study of the Mechanism of Aggregation-Caused Quenching in near-Infrared Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Molecules: Hydrogen-Bond Effect, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019), 24705-24713.

21. Xiu Yin, Jian Zhong Fan, Jie Liu, Lei Cai, Hao Sun, Yu-Ping Sun*, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Theoretical Study on the Light-Emitting Mechanism of Circularly Polarized Luminescence Molecules with Both Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and Aggregation-Induced Emission, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019), 7288-7297.

22. Jianzhong Fan, Yuchen Zhang, Kai Zhang, Jie Liu, Guanyu Jiang, Lili Lin*, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Effects of Intramolecular and Intermolecular Interactions on Excited State Properties of Two Isomeric Cu Complexes with Aie and Tadf Mechanisms in Solid Phase: A Qm/Mm Study, Organic Electronics, 71 (2019), 113-122.

23. Jie Liu, Yuchen Zhang, Kai Zhang, Jianzhong Fan, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Lili Lin*, Bicolor Switching Mechanism of Multifunctional Light-Emitting Molecular Material in Solid Phase, Organic Electronics, 71 (2019), 212-219.

24. Jianzhong Fan, Yuchen Zhang, Kai Zhang, Lili Lin*, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Strategy to Modulate the Singlet-Triplet Energy Gap for Spiro-Based Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Molecules, Journal of Luminescence, 209 (2019), 372-378.

25. Jianzhong Fan, Yuchen Zhang, Kai Zhang, Jie Liu, Guanyu Jiang, Feiyan Li, Lili Lin*, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Theoretical Arrangement of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence as Host for Fluorescent Emitter with Blue to Red Emission, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 219 (2019), 44-52.

26. Yong Zhou, Lingrui Chu, Qi Liu, Chuan-Kui Wang*, and Chaohua Tan*, Analysis of quantum interference properties in Λ-and V-type schemes in rare-earth-ion-doped crystal with inhomogeneous broadening, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 36 (9) 2019, 2534-2544.

27. Yong Zhou, Xiaofei Wang, Chaohua Tan*, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Optical properties and response mechanism analysis of multi-branched fluorescent probes based on intramolecular charge transfer, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 32 (4) 2019, 467.

28. Mi-Mi Dong, Zi-Qun Wang, Guang-Ping Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Surface engineering of phosphorene nanoribbons by transition metal heteroatoms for spintronics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(9) (2019), 4879-4887.

29. Kai Zhang, Lei Cai, Jianzhong Fan, Yuchen Zhang, Lili Lin, Chuan-Kui Wang, Effect of intermolecular interaction on excited-state properties of thermally activated delayed fluorescence molecules in solid phase: A QM/MM study, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 209 (2019), 248-255.

30. Ming-Zhi Wei, Xi Yu, Zi-Qun Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Guang-Ping Zhang, Controlling the recti cation performance by tuning molecule-electrode coupling strength in ferrocenyl-undecanethiolate molecular diodes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(3) (2019), 1559-1565.

31. Shuai Qiu, Yuan-Yuan Miao, Guang-Ping Zhang, Jun-Feng Ren, Chuan-Kui Wang, Gui-Chao Hu, Enhancement of magnetoresistance and current spin polarization in single molecule junctions by manipulating the hybrid interface states via anchoring groups, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 479 (2019), 247-253.

32. Shuai Qiu, Zhao Zhang, Yuan-yuan Miao, Guang-ping Zhang, Jun-feng Ren, Chuan-kui Wang, Gui-chao Hu, Modulation of spatial spin polarization at organic spinterface by side groups, Applied Surface Science, 427 (2018), 416-420.

33. Guang-Ping Zhang, Yan-Qi Mu, Ming-Zhi Wei, Shan Wang, Hui Huang, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang, Designing molecular rectifiers and spin valves using metallocene-functionalized undecanethiolates: one transition metal atom matters, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6(8) (2018), 2105-2112.

34. Jian-Zhong Fan, Yu-Chen Zhang, Zhou Yong, Li-Li Lin, Chuan-Kui Wang, Excited State Properties of a Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Molecule in Solid Phase Studied by Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Method, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(4) (2018), 2358-2366.

35. Liu Ran, Bi Jun-jie, Xie Zhen, Yin Kaikai, Wang Dunyou, Zhang Guang-Ping, Xiang Dong, Wang Chuan-Kui, Li Zong-Liang, Fabricating atom-sized gaps by field-aided atom migration in nanoscale junctions, Physical Review Applied, 9(5) (2018), 054023.

36. Zhikai Zhao, Ran Liu, Dirk Mayer, Maristella Coppola, Lu Sun, Youngsang Kim, Chuankui Wang, Lifa Ni, Xing Chen, Maoning Wang, Zongliang Li, Takhee Lee, Dong Xiang, Shaping the atomic-scale geometries of electrondes to control optical and electrical performance of molecular devices, Small, 14(15) (2018), 1703815.

37. Jianhui Yang, Shaozheng Zhang, Anping Wang, Ruining Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Guang-Ping Zhang, Liang Chen, High magnetoresistance in ultra-thin two dimensional Cr-based MXenes, Nanoscale, 10(41) (2018), 19492-19497.

38. Guang-Ping Zhang, Yan-Qi Mu, Ming-Zhi Wei, Shan Wang, Hui Huang, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang, Designing molecular rectifiers and spin valves using metallocene-functionalized undecanethiolates: one transition metal atom matters, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6(8) (2018), 2105-2112.

39. Zi-Qun Wang, Ming-Zhi Wei, Mi-Mi Dong, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang, Guang-Ping Zhang, High-Performance Single-Molecule Switch Designed by Changing Parity of Electronic Wave Functions via Intramolecular Proton Transfer, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(31) (2018), 17650-17659.

40. Lili Lin, Lei Cai, Jianzhong Fan, Chuan-Kui Wang, Electroluminescent Mechanism of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters: Conformational Effect, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(34) (2018), 19953-19961.

41. Shuai Qiu, Zhao Zhang, Yuanyuan Miao, Guangping Zhang, Junfeng Ren, Chuan-kui Wang, Guichao Hu, Modulation of spatial spin polarization at organic spinterface by side groups, Applied Surface Science, 427 (2018), 416-420.

42. Ming-Zhi Wei, Zi-Qun Wang, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang, Guang-Ping Zhang, Theoretical understanding of the inversion of rectification direction in ferrocenyl-embedded tridecanethiolate single-molecule rectifiers, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 103 (2018), 397-402.

43. Lili Lin, Jianzhong Fan, Lei Cai, Chuan-Kui Wang, Excited state dynamics of new-type thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters: theoretical view of light-emitting mechanism, Molecular Physics, 166(1) (2018), 19-28.

44. Jingjing Guo, Jianzhong Fan, Lili Lin, Jiajie Zeng, Hao Liu, Chuan-Kui Wang, Zujin Zhao, Benzhong Tang, Mechanical Insights into Aggregation-Induced Delayed Fluorescence Materials with Anti-Kasha Behavior, Advanced Science, (2018), 1801629.

45. Zhen Xie, Sai Duan, Guangjun Tian, Chuan-Kui Wang, Yi Luo, Theoretical modeling of tip-enhanced resonance Raman images of switchable azobenzene molecules on Au(111), Nanoscale, 10(25) (2018), 11850-11860.

46. Yuanyuan Miao, Shuai Qiu, Guangping Zhang, Junfeng Ren, Chuan-Kui Wang, Guichao Hu, Ground-state properties of metal/organic-ferromagnet heterojunctions, Physical Review B, 98 (2018), 235415.

47. Yang Song, Yan Su, Peng Zhao, Guang-Ping Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Gang Chen, Azulene-like molecular devices with high spin filtering, strong spin rectifying, and giant magnetoresistance effects, Organic Electronics, 59 (2018), 113-120.

48. Yuanyuan Miao, Shuai Qiu, Guangping Zhang, Junfeng Ren, Chuan-kui Wang, Guichao Hu, Polarons in organic ferromagnets, Organic Electronics, 55 (2018), 133-139.

49. Cuiju Yu, Yuanyuan Miao, Shuai Qiu, Yangjun Cui, Guangmeng He, Guangping Zhang, Chuan-kui Wang, Guichao Hu, Modulating spin-dependent electron transport in benzene-dithiolate magnetic junctions by hybrid interface states, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(34) (2018), 345302.

50. Yong Ma, Sheng-Yu Wang, Jing Hu, Yong Zhou, Xiuneng Song, Theoretical Identification of the Six Stable C84 Isomers by the IR, XPS and NEXAFS Spectra, J. Phys. Chem. A, 122(4) (2018), 1019-1026.

51. Yong Ma, Sheng-Yu Wang, Jing Hu, Xiu-Neng Song, Yong Zhou, Chuan-Kui Wang, Theoretical N K-edge NEXAFS spectroscopy study for configuration of a dipolar molecule on graphene, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 207 (2018), 309-314.

52. Y. Z. Song, Y. Zhang, S. B. Gao, Q. T. Meng, C. K. Wang, M. Y. Ballester, A global potential energy surface for H2S+(X4A’’) and quasi-classical trajectory study of the S+(4S) +H2(X1Σ+g) reaction, Molecular Physics, 116(1) (2018), 129-141.

53. Jun Song, Ke Zhao, Han Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Two-photon absorption properties of D-A-D Type chromophores containing tetraphenylethylene and triphenylamine moieties: A close look at the effects of the strength, position and number of donors, Molecular Physics, (2018), 672-680.

54. Ke Zhao, Jun Song, Mei-Yu Zhu, Han Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Isomerism and coordination mode effects on two-photon absorption of tris(picolyl)amine-based fluorescent probes for zinc ions, Chinese Physics B, 27(10) (2018), 103301.

55. Mei-Yu Zhu, Ke Zhao, Jun Song, Chuan-Kui Wang, Responsive mechanism and molecular design of di-2-picolylamine-based two-photon fluorescent probes for zinc ions, Chinese Physics B, 27(2) (2018), 023302.

56. Zi-Qun Wang, Yongfang Li, Xiao Niu, Ming-Zhi Wei, Mi-Mi Dong, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Dunyou Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Guang-Ping Zhang, Controlling the conductance of single-molecule junctions with high spin filtering efficiency by intramolecular proton transfer, Organic Electronics, 64 (2018), 7-14.

57. Zhen Xie, Sai Duan, Chuan-Kui Wang, Yi Luo, Lighting up long-range charge-transfer states by a localized plasmonic field, Nanoscale, 9(46) (2017), 18189-18193.

58. Jianzhong Fan, Lili Lin, Chuan-Kui Wang, Excited state properties of non-doped thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters with aggregation-induced emission: a QM/MM study, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5(33) (2017), 8390-8399.

59. Guichao Hu, Shijie Xie, Chuan-Kui Wang, Carsten Timm, Spin-dependent transport and functional design in organic ferromagnetic devices, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8 (2017), 1919-1930.

60. Zhao Zhang, Shuai Qiu, Yuan-yuan Miao, Guang-ping Zhang, Jun-feng Ren, Chuan-Kui Wang, Gui-chao Hu, Spin selection at organic spinterface by anchoring group, Applied Surface Science, 409 (2017), 60-64.

61. Guang-Ping Zhang, Shan Wang, Ming-Zhi Wei, Gui-Chao Hu, Chuan-Kui Wang, Tuning the Direction of Rectification by Adjusting the Location of the Bipyridyl Group in Alkanethiolate Molecular Diodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (2017), 7643-7648.

62. Guang-Ping Zhang, Zhen Xie, Yang Song, Ming-Zhi Wei, Gui-Chao Hu, Chuan-Kui Wang, Is there a specific correlation between conductance and molecular aromaticity in single-molecule junctions? Organic Electronics, 48 (2017), 29-34.

63. Shan Wang, Ming-Zhi Wei, Gui-Chao Hu, Chuan-Kui Wang, Guang-Ping Zhang, Mechanisms of the odd-even effect and its reversal in rectifying performance of ferrocenyl-n-alkanethiolate molecular diodes, Organic Electronics, 49 (2017), 76-84.

64. Guang-Ping Zhang, Zhen Xie, Yang Song, Gui-Chao Hu, Chuan-Kui Wang, Towards Rectifying Performance at the Molecular Scale, Topics in Current Chemistry, 375(6) (2017), 85.

65. Wen-Xia Su, Xi Zuo, Zhen Xie, Guang-Ping Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Obvious modulation of rectifying performance by conjugation breaking of the bridging fragment in donor-bridge-acceptor molecular diodes, RSC Advances, 7(2017), 14200-14205.

66. Zong-Liang Li, Xiao-Hua Yi, Ran Liu, Jun-Jie Bi, Huan-Yan Fu, Guang-Ping Zhang, Yu-Zhi Song, Chuan-Kui Wang, Effect of H2O Adsorption on Negative Differential Conductance Behavior of Single Molecular Junction, Scientific Reports, 7(2017), 4195.

67. Zhang Guang-Ping, Wang Shan, Wei Ming-Zhi, Hu Gui-Chao, Wang Chuan-Kui, Tuning the Direction of Rectification by Adjusting the Location of the Bipyridyl Group in Alkanethiolate Molecular Diodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(4) (2017),7643-7648.

68. Yang Song, Yan Su, Guang-Ping Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Gang Chen, Hydrogenation-induced giant rectifying behaviors in silicene and germanene heterojunctions, Computational Materials Science, 129 (2017), 37-43.

69. Jianzhong Fan, Lili Lin, Chuan-Kui Wang, Molecular stacking effect on photoluminescence quantum yield and charge mobility of organic semiconductors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(44) (2017), 30147-30156.

70. Lili Lin, Zhongjie Wang, Jianzhong Fan, Chuan-Kui Wang, Theoretical insights on the electroluminescent mechanism of thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters, Organic Electronics, 41 (2017), 14-25.

71. Lili Lin, Jianzhong Fan, Lei Cai, Chuan-Kui Wang, Theoretical perspective for internal quantum efficiency of thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter in solid phase: A QM/MM study, Organic Electronics, 51(2017), 349-356.

72. Lili Lin, Jianzhong Fan, Lei Cai, Chuan-Kui Wang, Theoretical Perspective of the Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer for a Compound with Aggregation Induced Emission in the Solid Phase, RSC Advances, 7 (2017), 44089-44096.

73. Lili Lin, Jianzhong Fan, Lei Cai, Chuan-Kui Wang, Excited State Dynamics of New-type Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters: Theoretical View of Light-Emitting Mechanism, Molecular Physics, 116 (2017), 1-10.

74. Zhen Xie, Sai Duan, Guangjun Tian, Chuan-Kui Wang, Yi Luo, Lighting up long-range charge-transfer states by localized plasmonic field, Nanoscale,9(46) (2017), 18189-18193.

75. Wang Guang-Wei, Ma Yong, Song Xiu-Neng, Jiang Shou-Zhen, Yue Wei-Wei, Wang Chuan-Kui, Luo Yi, Theoretical Isomer Identification of Three C-56 Fullerenes and Their Chlorinated Derivatives by XPS and NEXAFS Spectra, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,120(25) (2016), 13779-13786.

76. Yang Song, Zhen Xie, Yong Ma, Zong-liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang, Giant rectification ratios of azulene-like dipole molecular junctions induced by chemical doping in armchair-edged graphene nanoribbon electrodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118(32) (2014),18713-18720.

77. Guang-Ping Zhang, Gui-Chao Hu, Yang Song, Zhen Xie, Chuan-Kui Wang, Stretch or contraction induced inversion of rectification in diblock molecular junctions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(9) (2013), 094702.

78. Song Yang, Xie Zhen, Zhang Guang-Ping, Ma Yong, Wang Chuan-Kui, Bias Dependence of Rectifying Direction in a Diblock Co-oligomer Molecule with Graphene Nanoribbon Electrodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(40) (2013), 20951-20957.

79. Song Xiu-Neng, Hua Wei-Jie, Ma Yong, Wang Chuan-Kui, Luo Yi, Theoretical Study of Core Excitations of Fullerene-Based Polymer Solar Cell Acceptors, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(45) (2012), 23938-23944.

80. Zhang Guang-Ping, Hu Gui-Chao, Song Yang, Li Zong-Liang, Wang Chuan-Kui, Modulation of Rectification in Diblock Co-oligomer Diodes by Adjusting Anchoring Groups for Both Symmetric and Asymmetric Electrodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(41) (2012), 22009-22014.

81. Song Xiu-Neng, Ma Yong, Wang Chuan-Kui, Dietrich Paul M. Unger, Wolfgang E. S., Luo Yi, Effects of Protonation, Hydrogen Bonding, and Photodamaging on X-ray Spectroscopy of the Amine Terminal Group in Aminothiolate Monolayers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(23) (2012), 12649-12654.

82. Zhang Guang-Ping, Hu Gui-Chao, Li Zong-Liang, Wang Chuan-Kui, Theoretical Studies on Protonation-Induced Inversion of the Rectifying Direction in Dipyrimidinyl-Diphenyl Diblock Molecular Junctions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(5) (2012), 3773-3778.

83. Miao Quan, Ding Hong-Juan, Sun Yu-Ping, Gel'mukhanov Faris, Wang Chuan-Kui, Numerical analysis on optical limiting performance of a series of phthalocyanines for nanosecond pulses, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(8) (2012), 085402.

84. Lin Li-Li, Zou Bin, Wang Chuan-Kui, Luo Yi, Assignments of Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectra of Semifluorinated Alkanethiol Molecular Junctions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(41) (2011), 20301-20306.

85. Li Zong-Liang, Zhang Guang-Ping, Wang Chuan-Kui, First-Principles Study on Formation and Electron-Transport Properties of Single Oligothiophene Molecular Junctions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(31) (2011), 15586-15591. 

86. Zhou Yong, Miao Quan, Sun Yu-Ping, Gel'mukhanov Faris, Wang Chuan-Kui, Solvent effect on dynamical TPA and optical limiting of BDMAS molecular media for nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(3) (2011), 035103.

87. Zhou Yong, Miao Quan, Wang Chuan-Kui, Effect of Lorentz local field correction on propagation of ultrashort laser pulse in one-dimensional para-nitroaniline (PNA) molecules, Chinese Physics B, 20(4) (2011), 044205.

88. Li-Li Lin, Chuan-Kui Wang, Yi Luo, Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy of Gold-Benzenedithiol-Gold Junctions: Accurate Determination of Molecular Conformation, ACS Nano, 5(3) (2011), 2257-2263.

89. Li-Li Lin, Xiu-Neng Song, Jian-Cai Leng, Zong-Liang Li, Yi Luo, Chuan-Kui Wang, Determination of the configuration of a single molecule junction by inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114(11) (2010), 5199-5202.

90. Sun Yu-Ping, Liu Ji-Cai, Wang Chuan-Kui, Gel'mukhanov Faris, Propagation of a strong x-ray pulse: Pulse compression,stimulated Raman scattering, amplified spontaneous emission,lasing without inversion and four-wave mixing, Physical Review A, 81(1) (2010), 052506.

91. Sun Yu-Ping, Wang Chuan-Kui, Gel'mukhanov Faris, Rotational Doppler effect in x-ray photoionization, Physical Review A, 82(5) (2010), 013812.

92. Liu Ji-Cai, Sun Yu-Ping, Wang Chuan-Kui, Agren Hans, Gel'mukhanov Faris, Auger effect in the presence of strong x-ray pulses, Physical Review A, 81(4) (2010), 043412.

93. Wang Chuan-Kui, Zhao Peng, Miao Quan, Sun, Yu-Ping, Zhou Yong, Optical limiting and dynamical two-photon absorption of organic compounds for a nanosecond pulse, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 43(10) (2010), 105601.

94. Sun Yu-Ping, Rinkevicius Zilvinas, Wang Chuan-Kui, Carniato Stephane, Simon Marc, Taieb Richard, Gel'mukhanov Faris, Two-photon-induced x-ray emission in neon atoms, Physical Review A, 82(4) (2010), 043430.

95. Wang Chuan-Kui, Zhang Zhen, Ding Ming-Cui, Li Xiao-Jing, Sun Yuan-Hong, Zhao Ke, Two-photon absorption properties of aggregation systems on the basis of (E)-4-(2-nitrovinyl) benzenamine molecules, Chinese Physics B, 19(10) (2010), 103304.

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